AMAZON POST-OP LIST: https://a.co/cfYUsv8
Dr. Sitapara has curated these items to help you breeze through your recovery (please review ingredients for any allergies or contraindications):
- L-Arginine Pro – Scientifically proven to aid in healing time and pain. Consume 1 scoop per day for the week before surgery and the week after surgery.
- Vitamedica Bromelain – Studies show significant reduction in bruising. Take one pill per day for one week before surgery and the week after surgery.
- Extra Strength Tylenol – Lay a foundation of pain control before using additional pain medications for spikes in discomfort. 500mg rapid release tablets to take every 4-6 hours. Do not exceed 4000mg per day (8 tablets).
- Sleep options – We generally recommend sleeping with your head slightly elevated after surgery to reduce swelling. We also want you to be strictly sleeping on your BACK. Explore these options and see which one works best for you:
- AM Aeromax Back Sleep Training Pillow – Design trains you to sleep on your back. Recommend placing on top of another flat pillow to keep head elevated. Machine washable cover.
- Cozymaker Wedge – Elevate your head and neck to an optimum angle. May need to combine with an airplane neck pillow to prevent side sleeping.
- Airplane Pillow – Hair Transplant Patients Bring with you ON THE DAY OF SURGERY.
The following instructions apply to patients who have undergone BUCCAL FAT REDUCTION. Since no two patients are ever exactly alike in their surgical needs, type of surgery performed, or rate of healing, we may elect to individualize the following guidelines for each patient. In such instances, we will so instruct you. Otherwise, we urge you to follow the advice below very carefully, in order to accelerate your healing and maximize your surgical outcome.
It is very important to your well-being that you follow completely all instructions given to you by this office, and that we check your progress regularly following surgery.
Preoperative Instructions
- If possible, do not take any Aspirin or NSAID medications (ibuprofen, motrin, advil, etc.) for 14 days prior to your procedure, and then only on the advice of your personal physician. Please let your surgeon know if this is not possible prior to your surgery.
- Avoiding alcohol for 7 days prior to surgery can help with the healing process.
- Make sure to have a meal before coming into the office for your procedure (ONLY IF YOU ARE HAVING THIS DONE WHILE AWAKE).
- If you have been prescribed Ativan, please take 1-2 pills one hour prior to your arrival. This medication will keep you relaxed for the procedure. Please arrange for transportation to and from the office on the day of your surgery.
Postoperative Instructions
Since you have just undergone a surgical operation, use good common sense in the first 14 days after surgery in restricting your normal activities, exercise regimens, and any activity requiring heavy lifting or straining. You may be up and around the day after surgery, but some natural fatigue may persist for 2-3 days.
- You may eat a soft diet the day of the surgery. Talking and smiling are perfectly acceptable in moderation. Avoid taking large bites of food or foods that require excessive chewing for 5-7 days.
- Please be mindful that some local anesthesia used during your procedure may cause some weakness and numbness of the mouth. This is completely normal and will completely resolve after the first several hours.
- Avoid chewing the sutures on the inside of your mouth and avoid manipulating them with your tongue as much as possible.
- Your head should be elevated on at least two pillows during sleep for the first 5-7 days, in order to keep your head higher than your heart to help facilitate the resolution of swelling. Do not sleep face down, rather on your back or side.
- DO NOT TAKE ANY ASPIRIN OR ASPIRIN-CONTAINING MEDICINES for 14 days prior to and after the surgery, and then only on the advice of your personal physician. Other routinely taken medications may be taken as necessary.
- Use Extra-strength Tylenol every 4-6 hours for pain control. Do not exceed 4000mg of Tylenol in a 24-hour span. Please call your surgeon if you experience uncontrolled pain with this regimen.
- Any unexplained development of pain, face swelling, or fever should be reported to us immediately.
Some mild facial swelling is normally present after this procedure, but the degree of each varies widely from patient to patient. Do not be concerned if you have more or less than others who have undergone the “same” operation. Generally, the vast majority of patients appear quite sociably acceptable within 5-7 days after surgery.
- It is acceptable to do some light walking 48 hours after surgery. Jogging and light non-contact exercise should not be resumed until 2 weeks, and strenuous sports require 3-4 weeks of healing before being safely resumed. Doing so at an earlier time may increase facial swelling.
- Makeup to the face may be worn immediately after surgery if desired.
We greatly appreciate the confidence you have shown in us by allowing us to assist you in improving your appearance and health, and you may be assured of our very best efforts to achieve the best surgical result possible for your particular individual anatomy and condition.